Chief Data Scientist - Singapore
The Market Area Oceania, South East Asia & India (MOAI)’s Artificial Intelligence Center of Enablement (MoAI COE) was established in January 2019 following a six-month proof of concept in the latter half of 2018.
The organization is founded upon the principle that AI will transform our industry and that we must transform the company to adopt AI at a pace greater than that of the industry to ensure we are the winners in this transformation:
The organization adopts an outside-in approach wherein analyst maturity models provide the reference for tactical planning:
We have achieved two of the Operational breakthroughs outlined in Gartner’s AI Maturity Model:
A cross-enterprise platform for AI
AI community of practice or (virtual) center of excellence, complementing sophisticated analytics and R&D teams
In 2020 we would like to achieve:
Cross-enterprise data management
AI in production, crafting values by e.g. process optimization of product/service innovations
We also commit to demonstrate Systemic maturity in AI such that we achieve:
Significant impact on workforce, roles and skills through decision automation and augmentation enabling MOAI Network Operations to new build AI-centric business models.
We will achieve this through:
Platform Modernization; collaborative Portfolio Productification; and drive Pipeline Expansion.
As we progress in the execution of our Market on Artificial Intelligence strategy it is vital for us to own and develop talent that can efficient collaborate with the other parts of working with AI to accelerate time to market of AI-enabled products and services. Most notably with:
The four Global AI Accelerator hubs (in Sweden, US, Canada & India);
The Network Management Product Development Units (in Canada & Ireland);
The Network Design & Optimization Platform Development Unit’s Machine Learning Lab (in Spain)
Business Area Managed Services (in Sweden)
Research (in Sweden)
Group Information Technology (in Sweden & India)
You will
In your capacity as the MoAI COE Chief Data Scientist you will establish a collaboration framework with these units from whom dozens of machine learning models are available to trial in our commercial networks. You will be the technical representative for our organization in discussions with them and toward internal & external customers within our Market Area.
Your primary ambition is to succeed in bringing this ground-breaking technology into ways of working both within our service delivery platforms and into customer network solutions via prototypes deployed in our Market Area’s customer networks (and globally via future product releases). Your primary performance metric (and that of the whole MoAI COE team) is to build customer value. Where value is defined in cost saving, additional revenue and/or time to market acceleration.
As the Chief Data Scientist within our organization:
You will have full control of the expenditure of effort on AI problems and you will personally evaluate data scientists proposed for assignment to our use cases; most notably by the Global AI Accelerator hubs or by countries within our Market Area.
You will actively chip in to prioritized use cases being responsible for the assigned data scientists and interfacing the assigned project or product manage.
You will be responsible for the pipeline of AI use cases and evaluate progress to prioritize effort according to ability to meet our value creation objectives in the short, mid and longer term.
You will use the AI Enablement program which is targeting 5 countries this year as an AI use case pipeline generator. In that regard, you will supervise and be highly visible in the program ever ensuring it is delivering value. You will have full authority to adjust the program methods as you deem vital to achieve those value creation outcome
You will be a key contributor for developing AI competence within our COE’s permanent and temporary assignees. In keeping with our core objective to modernize AI by providing the right skills and right tools you will build and/or curate additional curriculum in the MoAI Academy. You will also provide substantial input to the process of vendor selection for our MoAI Platform.
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